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Richmond Hill Horticultural Society Logo

Richmond Hill 

Garden & Horticultural SocietyBeautifying Richmond Hill since 1914

Oak Ridges Moraine Corridor Park Schools Planting

Moraine planting photos courtesy of Michael White

Initiated in 2009, the Oak Ridges Moraine Corridor Park Schools Planting initiative is an event providing hundreds of local school children each year with the opportunity to connect with nature by planting native trees and shrubs across large swaths of land in the Moraine area of Richmond Hill.  

Locations planted more than ten years ago have been completely transformed, as trees have matured to improve our tree canopy, provide habitat for native species, and natural spaces for residents to enjoy.

The event is a collaborative effort by multiple organizations, including the Richmond Hill Rotary Club, with funding from the Toronto Dominion Bank Friends of the Environment Foundation.  The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority manages park areas and typically prepares planting sites and arranges lunch.  Richmond Hill’s Urban Forestry section provides wood chip mulch for the plantings, and Urban Forest Associates manages the quality of the planting efforts and the safety of the participants.  Often, the Mountsberg Conservation Centre puts on a fabulous raptor show for participants.  Our society provides an annual financial contribution to support this initiative and we sometimes are involved in other ways. Any time there is an opportunity for volunteers or observers from our society, notice is provided to our members via email and an Event is added to our Calendar.

 Together, we can make a difference! 

Member of the Ontario Horticultural Association

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