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Richmond Hill Horticultural Society Logo

Richmond Hill 

Garden & Horticultural SocietyBeautifying Richmond Hill since 1914

Public Garden Maintenance

Our members have planted and maintained many gardens over the last 100 years. This activity is fun and educational for the participants, and is much appreciated by the many people who benefit from access to these gardens.  

Identifying us in the gardenHeritage Centre Herb Bed

Our members planted a herb garden at the Amos Wright Park, now called the Heritage Centre. We celebrated our 80th and 90th birthdays with parties in the park. These events were attended by public officials and town citizens as well as our members. This garden continues to be maintained by society members. 

Hill House Hospice Gardens

Since 1998, our society has performed a significant role in the establishment, evolution and maintenance of the gardens at 36 Wright Street, known as the Hill House Hospice. Over the years, collaborations by our dedicated volunteers with Marion Hill, the Town of Richmond Hill, and Woodhill Garden Centre have resulted in both re-design of existing garden beds and the continuous expansion of gardens throughout the property, with a more recent interest in the inclusion of native perennials. Plant selections provide for continuous blooming from spring through autumn, and for winter interest. As well, tropical plants on a shaded patio add beauty and tranquility to an outdoor gathering location for hospice patients, caregivers and visitors.

Gladys McLatchy Garden VolunteersThe Gladys McLatchy Memorial Garden

This garden was planted at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts in 2009. This is the most recent project for our society volunteers. Planned in tandem with the Parks & Recreation Department, the garden is our gift to the Town in memory of the horticultural contributions of Past-President Gladys McLatchy, and includes peonies that were originally in her garden. An official ribbon cutting ceremony with town officials took place at the garden during our 100th anniversary gala celebration on April 16th, 2014.

Millennium Garden VolunteersThe Millennium Garden

Established in 2001, this garden is in a high traffic area adjacent to Mill Pond Park and contains a wide selection of perennials. Society volunteers maintain the garden weekly through the growing season, fielding questions from the public as they look after the health of the plants. 

Member of the Ontario Horticultural Association

Copyright 2025 Richmond Hill Garden & Horticultural Society 

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